Functions of Innovation Network An Analysis of Technological Learning in Iran’s Pharmaceutical Sector

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Economics and Management, Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch

2 Department of Management, Allameh Tabatabai' University

3 Department of Management, Aallameh Tabatabai' University


This study aimed to identify the nature of innovative behavior of Iran's pharmaceutical sector actors. The theoretical framework of networking theory and innovative functions of Innovation Network. The innovative behavior and understanding of network theory to understand the nature of events that have a subjective nature and social constructive was used. This research strategy is more of an exploratory research, development and quality. To collect data from inductive analysis, classification and mapping of institutional concepts have been used. Since nature is collaborative networks, technological innovation network is an emphasis on learning. So in this study, how technological learning through innovative behavior of actors has been recognized. The results show Pharmaceutical Innovation Network has the function of reducing transaction costs, improving absorption capacity, distribution network resources, collective learning, knowledge sharing and communication technology through interactive learning, so that modulating the cast and operation of sources of information.


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-     سازمان غذا و دارو. آبان 1394، گزارش پروانه‌های ثبت داروهای تولیدی
-     سازمان غذا و دارو. آبان 1395، ضوابط قیمت ‏گذاری
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