Keywords = Technological capability
Factors Affecting Technological catch-up failure in Iran’s Steel Value Chain

Volume 9, Issue 2, September 2021, Pages 163-196


Soma Rahmani; Mohsen AlizadehSani; Manouchehr Manteghi; Hooman Farzami

Effect of Technology Transfer Actors on Technological Learning; Case Study of Syrian Textile Industry

Volume 4, Issue 2, August 2016, Pages 99-132


Ammar Ali; Sepehr Ghazinoory; AliReza Hassanzadeh; Mehdi Majidpour

The Effect of Market Orientation and Managerial Perception of Environmental Dynamicity on the Promotion of Technological Capability in Iran Avionics Sector

Volume 1, Issue 1, September 2013, Pages 9-36


Mohammad Naghizadeh; Habibiolah Tabatabaian; Payam Hanafizadeh; manoochehr manteghi; Reza Naghizadeh