scenarios Planning in the Future of technology in Application software with future study approach

Document Type : Research Paper


PhD of business management, assistant professor in Iran University of science and technology


The main purpose of this study is future studies of application software especially in Iran. To develop and design scenarios of industry in the future, the most important factor is identification of the key uncertainties. Therefore, the key uncertainty in the field of software applications technology identified and described by scripting the future of this industry will be discussed. This research is done in two levels: a literature review of articles and news of new technologies as well as interviews and surveys with experts. . First, drivers affecting future software applications was found that after the survey of experts, three uncertainties was determined and four scenarios by using scenario wizard software applications and matrix interactions among uncertainties were identified. Finally, after the verification and validation by experts, to the outputs achieved were identified future scenarios. scenarios studies comprehensively and strategies was presented.
Keywords: future study, scenario planning, software applications technology


Main Subjects