Factors Hindering the Establishment of Renewable Energy Businesses in Northern Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Industrial Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 faculty member at University of Mazandaran

3 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, University of Mazanadaran


Renewable energy technologies present viable solutions to a range of environmental, economic, and social challenges, facilitating sustainable energy access for communities. However, to realize their potential impact on economic development and enhance the energy supply portfolio, it is essential to establish and sustain businesses centered on renewable energy by addressing existing obstacles. This study aims to identify and rank the barriers to the establishment of renewable energy Businesses framed within a business model context and viewed through the lens of sustainable development. A comprehensive literature review led to the formulation of seven primary hypotheses regarding these barriers in the northern provinces of Iran. Data were collected via a survey involving 59 industry professionals, and the results were analyzed using structural equation modeling and path analysis in SmartPLS software. The findings reveal that cultural barriers significantly impede value provision, while economic barriers predominantly affect value creation and acquisition. These insights offer critical recommendations for policymakers and business leaders seeking to mitigate obstacles and foster the growth of renewable energy Businesses for sustainable development.


Main Subjects

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