Prioritizing the Variables of Supply Chain Sustainability of Electronic Payment Services in the effect of Blockchain Technology 

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Industrial Management, Semnan University

2 Faculty of Management and Economics; Semnan; Semnan; Iran

3 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Semnan University

4 epartment of Computer Software Engineering, Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Semnan University, Iran


Blockchain is an emerging technology that experts hope its implementation and integration with the supply chain could improve the transparency, safety, and accuracy of supply chain processes. Reviewing the related literature and consulting/interviewing with 12 relevant experts in the electronic payment services industry who have been selected through purposive judgment sampling, due to the immaturity of the issue of its application and its facilitation in achieving supply chain sustainability - especially in the services industries - this study tried to identify the main and secondary variables of sustainable supply chain performance which are mostly affected by the implementation of this technology, as well as the know-how of using blockchain in each aspect and its solutions. Finally, using the Fuzzy Delphi Method, the most important variables were prioritized based on the degree of this technology's impact on them. The results show that the greatest impact of blockchain implementation in the electronic payment supply chain is on cost, reliability in relationships and transactions, and accountability, respectively; other variables are in the next priorities.


Main Subjects

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