Effect of Collaborative Innovation Networks on New Product Development Performance: The Mediating Role of Ability Innovation and the Moderating Role of Ambidexterity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Guilan

2 university of guilan


Due to increasing changes in industry, technology and customers' demand, it is very essential to consider the development of new products in order to gain an advantage over other competitors. Since the companies always seek to capture more market shares, development of new products can help them to come to this objective. Companies are able to use internal and external ideas to develop their products. The formation of collaborative innovation networks can be regarded as a platform to facilitate the transfer, acquisition and sharing of knowledge which can be an important factor in the development of a new product. In this study, 56 knowledge-based companies in Qazvin Science and Technology Park is considered so as to investigate the impact of collaborative innovation networks on the performance of development of new products with respect to the mediating role of innovation capacity and ambidexterity. This research is a practical one with survey strategy that employs the structural equation method in order to analyze the data. The obtained results indicate a positive and significant effect of collaborative innovation networks on the performance of development of new products with respect to the mediating role of innovation capacity and ambidexterity.


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