Designing a causal model of the antecedents of disruptive innovation in the field of medical services

Document Type : Research Paper


1 student

2 faculty member

3 Management Faculty, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Iran


the purpose of this research is to investigate the causal relationship of the antecedents of disruptive innovation in the field of healthcare services in Kerman. This research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. According to the purpose of the research, first, the antecedents of disruptive innovation in the field of medical services in Kerman were identified based on theoretical literature and soliciting opinions from experts, and then data analysis was performed using the opinions of 7 experts in the field of medical services and the fuzzy cognitive mapping. The results of the research showed that the antecedents of disruptive innovation include: social, strategic, network and ecosystem, market, entrepreneurship, economic and foundational, managerial, resources, technological and organizational antecedents , the results showed that managerial antecedents with a weight of 2.05 are the most effective, entrepreneurial antecedents with a weight of 1.67 are the most effective, and strategic antecedents with a weight of 2.60 are the most central. Disruptive innovation studies have generally been conducted in industrial organizations. In this research, effective and effective antecedents and drivers in disruptive innovation in medical service organizations were investigated, which can help the managers of the medical field in the direction ofdestructive innovation.


Main Subjects

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