Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Knowledge Map Using Fuzzy Cognitive Map

Document Type : Research Paper


Tarbiat Modares University


Myocardial Infarction happens when blood stops flowing properly to part of the heart and the heart muscle is injured due to not receiving enough oxygen. Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), is a non-surgical procedure used to treat the Myocardial Infarction. When PCI is success, average life expectancy of patient is increased and patient returns to normal life. Every year, part of PCI knowledge, as scientific articles, are provided to medical communities. Extraction of implicit knowledge in papers facilitated access to PCI‏ knowledge, PCI Knowledge map shows a comprehensive picture of PCI. Knowledge map is a tool for presenting complex process and relation between concepts. This paper base on text mining and using Co-occurrence Analysis method, extracted causal relationships between‏ PCI concepts from abstract of 20 years paper and illustrating these relationships, then Validated PCI map by experts, Importance of relationships between concepts is determined Using fuzzy cognitive this paper FCM is trained with AHL and DHL algorithms, result indicated PCI ‏ has scientific Structure. PCI Fuzzy Knowledge map can be used in training, process of PCI changes, and determines the most important factors that influence the success of PCI.


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