Cloud Computing Technology Diffusion Forecasting in Iran by employing Growth Curves & Cross Country's diffusion trends Impact

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Management,Management Department,University of Tehran,Tehran,Iran


Cloud computing is a megatrend in IT territory which provides resources & services over internet. This study is about cloud computing technology forecasting in Iran & 10 other countries around the world. Technology keyword search trend over internet is employed as technology diffusion indicator. This study is an applied & Developmental research and a descriptive - survey with correlation methodology employed . In order to forecast cloud computing technology diffusion in Iran, Growth Curves were fitted on diffusion data in Iran on one hand & on the other hand, diffusion trends in other countries and cross country impacts on technology diffusion trend in Iran, was explored. Findings demonstrates saturation will take place in 2018 in Iran. In addition, lag in cloud computing technology's diffusion initiation in Iran in comparison to other countries, haven't led to accelerated diffusion rate according to lead-lag effect.


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