The effect of intellectual capitals on competitive advantage with the mediating effects of technological entrepreneurship(Case study: Companies based in the incubators centers of Tehran)

Document Type : Research Paper



This research, which is practical and descriptive -correlational in terms of purpose and data collection respectively, aims to investigate the effect of intellectual capital on competitive advantage with the mediating effects of technological entrepreneurship. The research population is managers and experts working for the Companies located in science and technology parks in Tehran, which are 375 persons. Using stratified sampling method and Cochran formula, 190 persons were selected. Data analysis using structural equation modeling (SEM) software Smart PLS was performed. The result of a hand showed a positive and significant effect of intellectual capital on technological entrepreneurship and competitive advantage and on the other hand, the indirect effect of intellectual capital on competitive advantage through technological entrepreneurship. The findings of this study suggest that improving the intellectual capital of the organization and its dimensions can be the context provides for an entrepreneurial technologies And in this way to improve the competitive advantage.


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