The application of innovation and technology system in the worth film industry

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty Member of Farabi Campus, University of Tehran.


Iranian society is faced with the problem of lack of film value. Worth, a film rooted in indigenous culture, it provides a safeguard and strengthen. The problem with widespread foreign films, culture and indigenous identity are vulnerable to challenges. The purpose of this paper is to identify the causes of the lack of streaming video and provide ways to increase the value of Iran. The main question of this study is that because the value of Iran's film industry boom is not enough. To answer this question, the value of film production problems in Iran and is considered an innovation system approach to every problem, a solution is proposed. Then Rah‌Karha problems presented to experts. Analysis of comments using the Delphi method, fuzzy Ishikawa shows that, firstly, the innovation system analysis model for the film industry and other cultural industries. Secondly, the current worth in the field of policymakers, funding and pre-sales, creation, production and distribution, human resources, support services and display and consumption is difficult. Third, the participants more aware of the role of government, financial resources and create Fylm‌Namh are of great importance for business requirements, especially given the boom in this industry do not make contact. Fourth, industry worth of neglect of the role of technical sciences, social and religious prosperity suffering My‌Brd industry. It seems boom worth in Iran would look to adopt a system of cooperation and trust with all actors and institutions that in one way or another involved in the process of addressing.


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