Mapping the Integrated Map for Development of the Innovation and Commercialization Level of Iranian Knowledge-Based companies: Using Strategic Options Development and Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. in Industrial Management, Economy Management and Accounting Faculty, Yazd University

2 industrial management department, economy management and accounting faculty, yazd university

3 Associate Professor in Industrial Management, Economy Management and Accounting Faculty, Yazd University


Innovation means the economic or social impact of the object on the market. Innumerable ideas are created but among them, only a small number can affec the market, considered as new ideas and inventions. Establishing knowledge-based companies in order to commercialize ideas is a serious work that has been done in the country to transform innovation into technology. The existence of an effective system for innovation with respect to the various types of specific resources required by the company to achieve sustainable competitive advantage is considered as a strategic choice. The purpose of this study is to develop a map to developing the innovation and commercialization level of the knowledge-based companies in Iran which conducted using Strategic Options Aevelopment and Analysis approach. Data collected through interviews with experts and the final map drew and analyzed using Decision Explorer software. Accordingly, human resources-technology-culture-political factors-financial&capital resources-physical&structural resources are key options in the development of the innovation and commercialization of the knowledge-based companies, by focusing on these options, strategies have been developed for each of them to reinforce the key issues and to achieve the goals at the higher level.


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