Investigate effect of affordance-based beliefs and innovation diffusion theory on internet banking adoption-based beliefs

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Faculty member/ Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Faculty member/Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Adoption and employment of internet banking is one of the most important issues which causes change in mentary relationships and commercial, economical and banking activites. This issue is important because if internet banking services are not being used by customers, doing new investments in ICT field, causes lose of bank funds and resources. Adoption internet banking services by customers will guarantee effectiveness and usefulness of investment in this field. This study aims to investigate influence of affordance based beliefs and innovation diffusion theory on internet banking adoption based beliefs among Saderat Bank customers in Mashhad. Research method was functional survey and Data were gathered by the whole 5-item Likert questionnaire which was including 36 questions. The statistical population this research forms saderat bank customers in Mashhad city. Data statistical analysis was done by using structural equations model (SEM). Results show that diversity and intuition have a positive effect on perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness significantly. Also, influence of compatibility and competitive advantage on user attitude about using internet banking services was confirmed.


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