Green Technology Selection and Evaluation in Clinker Coolers by Shannon Entropy Weighing Method and Gray Vikor Technique by Three Parameter Interval Gray Numbers

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan.

2 M.Sc. of faculty of Industrial Engineering, University of Sistan and Baluchestan


choosing the green technology an effective factor in combating climate changes. One of the concerns, is the issue of environmental pollution. The cement industry, as the basis for the development of the country and having economic interests, is one of the most important sources environmental pollution. One of the disadvantages of this industry is using the energy of fossil fuels and producing more greenhouse gases in cement production. The aim of this study is to provide a model for selecting and evaluating the green technology in the clinker coolers sector in Iranian cement industry. In this regard, at first, the green technology selection model will be introduced by studying previous researches and integrates it with expert opinions in this field. So, by researching in cement production process, the clinker coolers sector was chosen as a target in this study, also the technologies used in this sector were investigated. In the next step, by using Shannon entropy and Gray VIKOR methods, the green technological options were selected and evaluated. Moreover, instead of using the linguistic variables and absolute numbers we will use Three Parameter Interval Gray Numbers.


Main Subjects

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