The Impact of Information Technology Capabilities and Supply Chain Integrity Capabilities on the New Product Development Performance: The Moderating Role of Knowledge Absorptive Capacity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty Member of Guilan University

2 managment, literture and Humanities, guilan, rasht, iran


New product development is a strategic activity for many companies to gain competitive advantage and managers need to improve the performance of their new product development. This important issue involves examining the variables that affect the performance of new product development. This paper examines the impact of information technology (IT) capabilities and supply chain integration capabilities on the performance of new product development, and in this regard, the moderating role of knowledge absorption capacity has been also studied. The research method is descriptive and of survey type. The statistical population of the research is the active manufacturing companies located in the industrial city of Rasht, and the questionnaires were completed by the managers and senior experts of these companies. To evaluate the model fit and test the research hypotheses, 120 companies were surveyed. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. In order to analyze the data, structural equation modeling with partial least squares approach and PLS software was used. The findings show that IT capability increases the performance of the new product development. The moderating role of knowledge absorptive capacity in the relationship between IT capability and supply chain integration capability as well as the moderating role of knowledge absorptive capacity in the relation between supply chain integration capability and the new product development performance were confirmed.


Main Subjects

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