Developmental and Evolutionary Paths Study of Dynamic Capabilities Based on Co- Citation Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of Allameh Tabataba'i university

2 Faculty Member


The purpose of this study is to investigate the transformative documents in the theoretical domain of dynamic capabilities. Dynamic capabilities, which is one of the key ideas in the field of strategic management and innovation management, seeks to answer the fundamental question why some firms have better innovative performance in terms of competition than the others. The method used in this research is of scientometrics type and it is tried to use co-citation analysis in the first step to extract the burstness rate of different scientific documents and then, using a homogeneous analysis of the documents, the betweenness centrality of each document is measured. Finally, using the Sigma Index, it is attempted to extract transformative documents in this theoretical domain. The results of this research show that 23 documents have the role of transformation and development pivot in this theoretical field. On the other hand, these 23 documents lead to three major schools, ie, supportive theories, developers and the application of theory, which form the most basic and most important scientific documents in this field. The study shows that at least 5 very important theoretical contexts in this knowledge area, namely, "source-based approach to enterprise", "the theory of economical evolution", "knowledge-based approach to enterprise", “the theory of dynamic capabilities”, and "behavioral theory" can be searched



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