Today, innovation is considered as a vital principle for organizations in such a way that ongoing improvement of the organization innovation performance is one of the key factors in the survival of such organizations. Considering this objective, the present study investigated the impact of open inbound and outbound innovations on the performance of information and communication technology (ICT) organizations. The statistical population of the research was the companies active in the field of ICT in Tehran out of which 116 companies were selected. A questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results showed that the inbound and outbound, two open innovation variables, have positive and significant impact on the performance of the organization. The results show that outbound and inbound open innovation, and overall organizational performance explained 89% of the changes in innovation performance, but the share of open innovation is less than the other two variables. Also, the confirmation of the direct relationship between organizational performance and the innovation performance of ICT organizations is innovation of this study
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Akbari, M. , , Zarehparvar shojae, E. , , Padash, H. , and Alizadeh, S. . "The impact of Inbound and Outbound Open Innovation on Innovation Performance of Information and Communication Technology Firms", Journal of Technology Development Management, 6, 3, 2018, 157-184. doi: 10.22104/jtdm.2019.2673.1901
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M. Akbari , E. Zarehparvar shojae , H. Padash and S. Alizadeh, "The impact of Inbound and Outbound Open Innovation on Innovation Performance of Information and Communication Technology Firms," Journal of Technology Development Management, 6 3 (2018): 157-184, doi: 10.22104/jtdm.2019.2673.1901
Akbari, M., Zarehparvar shojae, E., Padash, H., Alizadeh, S. The impact of Inbound and Outbound Open Innovation on Innovation Performance of Information and Communication Technology Firms. Journal of Technology Development Management, 2018; 6(3): 157-184. doi: 10.22104/jtdm.2019.2673.1901