Identifying the Effective Factors of industrial property protection aimed at developing entrepreneurship

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D Candidate in Department of Entrepreneurship,Qazvin Branch,Islamic Azad University,Qazvin,Iran

2 Assistant Professor in Entrepreneurship Faculty of Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor in ManagementDepartment,Islamic Azad University,Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor in Management Department , Qazvin Branch,Islamic Azad University,Qazvin, Iran

5 Assistant Professor in Institute for Trade Studies and Research , Tehran, Iran


Given that industrial owners and entrepreneurs play an important role in the production of each country's economy, their comprehensive support also ensures innovation and employment growth. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors affecting the protection of industrial property with the aim of developing entrepreneurship. The present study was carried out theme analytic and semi-structured interviewing tool. The sampling was done by experts in the field of intellectual property rights, business law, industrial management and entrepreneurship. After 15 interviews, the researcher succeeded in saturated data. Data analysis was conducted with open coding to achieve inclusive information. Also, content validity with Lauxh's coefficient statistics was used to determine the validity of extraction codes from the perspective of 30 experts in this field. Findings show that effective factors in protecting industrial property in the three regulatory, normative and cognitive-cultural policies can be operational, in the meanwhile, most regulatory policies and cognitive-cultural policies have the least extraction codes. Together, the interaction of these three policies can lead to the development of entrepreneurship, especially in the field of industry.


Main Subjects

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