Pathology of Technology Intelligence Business Models in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master of Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty Member of Research Center for Fundamental Research in Science & Technology, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Faculty Member of Management, Tehran University, Tehran. Iran


Technology Intelligence Businesses in Iran have failed to sell their services and have been unsuccessful to make a profit which is the ultimate goal of any business. Therefore, the present study seeks to identify the reasons for the failure of these businesses in selling their services.This study is qualitative and deals with the pathology of technology intelligence business models by deductive content analysis. The Osterwalder Business Model was chosen as the conceptual model and its main three components were used to preparethe interview questions. The focus of the interview questions was on examining the attitudes of the respondents about the reasons for the failure of the technology intelligence business models. The analysis of each interview was done by using Maxqda qualitative software. Based on the qualitative content analysis of the findings, the business model of each sample was extracted and Likert scale was used to evaluate the business models using the Osterwalder’s criteria including "channel effectiveness", "finding new customers consistently" and “customer participation in the value creation process" which were identified as the weakest. Then, the reasons for poor performance in the indicated criteria in two areas of supply (marketing, expertise, skill, cost, competitors, content, organizational culture) and demand (weakness at the macro and micro levels) were described.


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