Identifying and analyzing the opportunities and challenges of the corporate digital responsibility (CDR) in the age of artificial intelligence with the FCM approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 lorestan university, management faculty, assistant professor

2 Msc. Student, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.

3 Phd student, Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management, Lorestan University, Khorramabad, Iran.



Digital technologies are the result of human scientific advances in contemporary times, which have made serious changes in human life. The field of ethics and related concepts are not immune from these changes. Digital technologies have created new relationships and issues in this field. One of the most important concepts is the corporate digital responsibility, which deals with the ethical and fair use of digital technologies in companies. Considering the essential need to comply with laws and ethics in the field of digital technologies, the current research has investigated the opportunities and challenges of the concept of corporate digital responsibility. The present research is an exploratory research in terms of practical purpose in terms of gathering information. Also, this research is a type of mixed qualitative and quantitative research based on comparative and inductive philosophy. The findings of the research showed that better understanding of digital culture, greater transparency of information and digital democracy are among the most important opportunities for corporate digital responsibility. Unreliability of digital systems, discrimination through biased artificial intelligence and cybercrimes are also considered the most important challenging factors of corporate digital responsibility


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