Identification and prioritization of artificial intelligence applications in supply chain 4.0 (retail industry case study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor, Technology Management, Faculty of management, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty of Management, University of Tehran


Today, artificial intelligence has brought about huge changes in the digitization of the supply chain in the retail industry.
Previous researches have identified some of the applications of artificial intelligence in the retail industry, but the list of known applications is not comprehensive and has not been prioritized. Since it is important to assess the possibility of success in adapting to the challenges of this field. The aim of the research is to identify and prioritize the applications of artificial intelligence in supply chain 4.0 in Iran's retail industry, which have less implementation challenges.
In this research, first of all, the articles on the use of artificial intelligence in the 4.0 supply chain in the retail industry have been reviewed using the meta-combination method, and the challenges have been identified using the Denap method and the prioritization of applications has been determined using the Aras method.The results show the applications of providing personalized recommendations, the integrated and intelligent system of warehouse management, the intelligent system of welcoming customers and the challenges of regulatory complexity in the implementation of artificial intelligence system, the high cost of IT infrastructure, the unavailability of suitable ways to train chatbots from the highest have priority.


Main Subjects

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